33Chapter 10: ToolsairFiber® AF-5X User GuideUbiquiti Networks, Inc.ChartsEnable top chart Check the box to enable the top chart.Select the desired chart to display in the top chart panelon the main view. There are two options:• Waterfall This time-based graph shows the aggregateenergy collected for each frequency since the startof the airView session. The energy color designatesits amplitude. Cooler colors represent lower energylevels (with blue representing the lowest levels)in that frequency bin, and warmer colors (yellow,orange, or red) represent higher energy levels in thatfrequency bin.The Waterfall View’s legend (top-right corner) providesa numerical guide associating the various colors topower levels (in dBm). The low end of that legend (left)is always adjusted to the calculated noise floor, and thehigh end (right) is set to the highest detected powerlevel since the start of the airView session.• Channel Usage For each channel, a bar displays apercentage showing the relative “crowdedness” ofthat specific channel. To calculate this percentage, theairView Spectrum Analyzer analyzes both the popularityand strength of RF energy in that channel since the startof an airView session.Note: AF-5X channels are not related to Wi-Fichannels which are determined by IEEE standards.AF-5X channels are numbered consecutivelystarting with 0 and are 28 MHz in width.Enable Waveform chart (middle) Check the box toenable the middle chart. This time-based graph showsthe RF signature of the noise environment since thestart of the airView session. The energy color designatesits amplitude. Cooler colors represent lower energylevels (with blue representing the lowest levels) in thatfrequency bin, and warmer colors (yellow, orange, or red)represent higher energy levels in that frequency bin.The spectral view over time will display the steady-state RFenergy signature of a given environment.Enable Real-time chart (bottom) Check the box toenable the bottom chart. This graph displays a traditionalspectrum analyzer in which energy (in dBm) is shown inreal time as a function of frequency. There are three tracesin this view:• Current (Yellow) Shows the real-time energy seen bythe device as a function of frequency.• Average (Green) Shows the running average energyacross frequency.• Maximum (Blue) Shows updates and maximum powerlevels across frequency.Real-Time TracesThe following settings apply only to the Real-time chart:Current Real-time Trace Check the Enable box to enablethe real-time trace. When enabled, the yellow outline onthe Real-time chart represents the real-time power level ofeach frequency. The refresh speed depends on the FPS.