76PRIORITY/PRIORITY ID/PRIORITY PLUS SCANPriority Scan When scanning a conventional system, scanning is interrupted (basedon the priority check interval setting) to check priority channels for activity. The morechannels you have set to priority, the longer the interruption is. The scanner cannotscan over 100 priority channels at once. The quick keys for the system(s) andgroup(s) containing the priority channel(s) have to be enabled (and unlocked) or thescanner will display ‘Priority Scan No Channel’.Priority Plus Scan the scanner only scans priority channels in (unlocked)conventional systems with system and group quick keys enabled.The highest priority is for channels in system/site and group quick key 1. The lowestpriority is for channels in system/site quick key 90 and group quick key 0. Priority forpriority channels in the same channel group follows the order in which the channelswere created.Priority ID Scan this function is similar to conventional priority although there is nointerruption during the transmission. Priority ID Scan is always on for a system ifenabled in the system setting. Priority is checked in between transmissions, whenthe scanner is receiving the control channel, and during the channel delay period.The scanner can only look for priority IDs in the trunked system it is currentlyscanning.Preemptive Priority preemptive priority is a feature that works on Motorolasystems. If the Motorola system has priority channels, and you assign one of thoseTGs as priority in the scanner, then when one of those channels becomes active,the scanner will jump to it even if it is on a different system voice channel (i.e. itpreempts your current reception). This feature relies on the system itself havingtalkgroups assigned as priority (so the active channel information is included onvoice channel low-speed data). If a talkgroup you assign as priority is not also apriority channel on the transmitting system, then the scanner will use standardtrunking priority for the talkgroup.To Use Priority Scan you must first set your priority channels.To Use Priority ID Scan you must also enable Priority ID Scan for each system.To Edit Priority Scan Options:1. Press Menu.2. Scroll to ‘Priority Scan’ and press E/yes.3. Scroll to the options below and press E/yes.4. Press Scan/Srch to return to scanning when done with editing.Set Priority sets the priority mode. You can also toggle these modes by pressingFunc then .no(pri) in scan mode.1. Scroll to 1 of 3 options and press E/yes.