68 Call forwardingYou can also activate all three call types. The call type Any call has priority inthis case and all calls are forwarded to the defined destination phone number.Call forwarding for the call types External and Internal can be activated at thesame time. INT/EXT is then shown on the display for the forwarding type Un-conditional.The call forwarding settings can appear as follows:Any call: 3339 (default setting is off)External: 3335Internal: 3336N Press the illuminated key to open the call view. If you selected the forwardingtype Unconditional and activated a call type here, the call type is shown on thedisplay with the call forwarding icon and the "Variable call forwarding" key illu-minates. Nothing is shown on the display for the forwarding types Busy and Noreply.Call forwarding chainSometimes calls to a station are forwarded to another station that also has callforwarding or DND activated. This can create a call forwarding chain consistingof several telephones where the last member of the chain is your phone.A popup window opens on your phone's display with the following information:• Who is calling• Who forwarded first or last• The reason for the forwarding is displayed by an iconYou can set whether the station that forwarded first or last is displayed (see Page 80).All call types are deactivated automatically for the forwarding type Uncon-ditional. Previously activated call forwarding for all call types remains ac-tivated with the forwarding types Busy and No reply until deactivatedmanually by you. Activated call forwarding for Busy and No reply is indi-cated in the list by the call forwarding icon.