10 11Hearing aids with the rechargeable optionClean every night1) Clean your hearing aid chargepads using the cleaning brushprovided and using a clean,dry tissue.2) Use the cleaning brush toclean the slots in the charging base.Do not use any liquids for cleaning.Charge every night1) Plug the power cord into the USB walladapter and into a power outlet, avoid alaptop or computer. Lights on the chargingbase will blink green once.2) Place your hearing aids in thecharging slots every night.The ear pieces should be onthe same side of the chargeras the power cable, as shownin the picture.3) When your hearing aids arecorrectly placed, both lights willblink green.4) Check that the lights haveblinked green at least 5 timesto ensure the hearing aids arecharging.5) Solid green lights mean your hearing aids arefully charged.Do not open the battery door as this will drainthe rechargeable battery.Tips• When not in use, keep your hearing aids in thecharger. They cannot overcharge.• Do not place the hearing aids in the chargerif the charger is unplugged, this will drain thebatteries.• If you receive a low battery warning from thehearing aids, place them in the charging baseto charge or replace with traditional batteries.• If the charging lights are red, remove the hearingaids and refer to your Charging base guide.