9 FAULT TRACING9.1 FAULT CODESFaultcode Fault Subcode inT.14 Possible cause How to correct the fault1 Overcurrent S1 = Hard-ware tripThere is too high a current(>4*I H) in the motor cable.Its cause can be 1 of these.• a sudden heavy loadincrease• a short circuit in themotor cables• the motor is not thecorrect typeDo a check of the loading. Do acheck of the motor. Do a check ofthe cables and connections. Makean identification run.S2 =ReservedS3 = Cur-rent con-trollersupervision2 Overvoltage S1 = Hard-ware tripThe DC-link voltage ishigher than the limits.• too short a decelera-tion time• high overvoltage spikesin the supply• Start/Stop sequencetoo fastSet the deceleration time longer.Use the brake chopper or the brakeresistor. They are available asoptions. Activate the overvoltagecontroller. Do a check of the inputvoltage.S2 = Over-voltagecontrolsupervision3 * Earth fault The measurement of cur-rent tells that the sum of themotor phase current is notzero.• an insulation malfunc-tion in the cables or themotorDo a check of the motor cables andthe motor.5 Charging switch The charging switch is open,when the START commandis given.• operation malfunction• defective componentReset the fault and start the driveagain. If the fault shows again, askinstructions from the distributornear to you.6 Emergency stop Stop signal has been givenfrom the option board.Do a check of the emergency stopcircuit.VACON · 384 FAULT TRACING9 TEL. +358 (0)201 2121 · FAX +358 (0)201 212 205