1 General pointsVEN 5/5 classic; VEN 5/5 exclusiv61 General points1.1 Points to note concerning documentationWith the purchase of your VEN electric storage waterheater, you have acquired a quality appliance from theVaillant range of high-performance products. In order totake full advantage of all the features of this appliance,it is advisable to dedicate a few minutes familiarisingyourself with these instructions before putting theappliance into service. Please pay special attention tothe general points and the sections on safety andoperation. These sections contain all the main pointsconcerning the operation of the appliance, and includeinformation on available Vaillant accessories that aredesigned to make the appliance even easier to use.Keep this manual in a safe place and ensure it is passedon to the new owner if you sell or otherwise dispose ofthe appliance.Note that we can accept no liabilitywhatsoever for any damage or injury thatmay result from failure to observe theseinstructions.Caution!The sections on installation, inspection andmaintenance contained in these instructionsare intended for the use of authorisedinstallers only.1.2 Key to symbolsPlease observe the safety precautions listed in thisinstruction manual when operating or installing thisappliance.The following section includes a guide to the symbolsused throughout the text:Danger!Immediate threat of fatal or serious injury.Caution!Situation likely to harm the system or pollutethe environment.Note!Operating recommendation.l This symbol denotes an obligatory procedure.