13 Decommissioning42 Installation and maintenance instructions Hydraulic station 0020257319_024. Use manual actuation to move the prioritising divertervalve to the "Heating circuit/domestic hot water cylinder"position.5. Open the stopcock on the filling device.6. Open the automatic air vent.7. Use the expansion relief valve to check whether theheating circuit has been completely drained.◁ Residual hot water may escape from expansionrelief valve's drain.12.2 Draining the heating installation1. Connect a hose to the draining point of the installation.2. Route the free end of the hose to a suitable drainagepoint.3. Ensure that the installation's service valves are open.4. Open the drain cock.5. Open the purging valves on the radiators. Start fromthe highest radiator and then work from the top to thebottom.6. Once the heating water has completely drained fromthe installation, close the purging valves on all the radi-ators and the drain cock again.13 Decommissioning13.1 Temporarily decommissioning the product1. Switch off the disconnector (circuit breaker) to which theproduct is connected in the building.2. Disconnect the product from the power supply.13.2 Permanently decommissioning the product1. Switch off the isolator (circuit breaker) to which theproduct is connected in the building.2. Disconnect the product from the power supply.Caution.Risk of material damage when extractingrefrigerant.When extracting refrigerant, there is a risk ofmaterial damage caused by freezing.▶ Ensure that heating water flows throughthe indoor unit's condenser (heat ex-changer) or it is completely drained whenextracting refrigerant on the secondaryside.3. Extract the refrigerant.4. Dispose of or recycle the product and its components.14 Recycling and disposal14.1 Recycling and disposalDisposing of the packaging▶ Dispose of the packaging correctly.▶ Observe all relevant regulations.14.2 Disposing of the product and accessories▶ Do not dispose of the product or the accessories withhousehold waste.▶ Dispose of the product and all accessories correctly.▶ Observe all relevant regulations.14.3 Disposing of the refrigerantWarning.Risk of damage to the environment.The product contains the refrigerant R410A.This refrigerant must not be allowed to es-cape into the atmosphere. R410A is a fluor-inated greenhouse gas covered by the KyotoProtocol, with a GWP of 2088 (GWP = GlobalWarming Potential).▶ Before the product is disposed of, havethe refrigerant which it contains com-pletely drained into a suitable vessel sothat it can then be recycled or disposed ofin accordance with regulations.Caution.Risk of damage caused by defrosting.Draining off the refrigerant generates intensecooling of the indoor unit's plate heat ex-changer, which may lead to the de-icing ofthe plate heat exchanger on the heating wa-ter side.▶ Drain the indoor unit on the heating waterside in order to prevent damage.▶ Ensure that, during the refrigerant drainingof the plate heat exchanger on the heatingwater side, there is sufficient flow-through.▶ Ensure that the refrigerant is disposed of by a qualifiedcompetent person.