Driving and operating 143FuelFuel for petrol enginesOnly use unleaded fuel that complieswith European standard EN 228 orE DIN 51626-1 or equivalent.Your engine is capable of runningwith E10 fuel that fulfills thesestandards. E10 fuel contains up to10 % bioethanol.Use fuel with the recommendedoctane rating 3 202. Use of fuel withtoo low an octane rating can reduceengine power and torque and slightlyincreases fuel consumption.CautionDo not use fuel or fuel additivesthat contain metallic compoundssuch as manganese-basedadditives. This may cause enginedamage.CautionUse of fuel that does not comply toEN 228 or E DIN 51626-1 orequivalent can lead to deposits orengine damage and may affectyour warranty.CautionUse of fuel with too low an octanerating could lead to uncontrolledcombustion and engine damage.NoteUse unleaded Premium fuel only forthe following countries:Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,Moldova.Fuel for ethanol adaptedengines (E85)If access to E85 is limited then fuelwith a different proportion of ethanolor normal RON 95 can be used forrefuelling. The engine's controlmanagement system is adjustedautomatically according to theamount of ethanol in the fuel.E85 fuel must fulfil the CWA 15293 orSS 155480 standard.When the temperature is about-10 °C or lower a greater proportion ofpetrol should be used. E85 incombination with low temperaturescould lead to the car being moredifficult to start. A slightly higherproportion of petrol improves the coldstart properties considerably.During the engine's warm-up phase(below +50 °C) engine torque islimited when driving with a proportionof ethanol.Ethanol contains less energy per litrethan petrol, which is why fuelconsumption increases when drivingon E85 compared with petrol. Aconsequence of this is that a tank ofE85 covers fewer miles than a tank ofpetrol.