Vehicle care 177The current tyre pressures can beshown in the menu item Tyres in theBoard Computer menu. Press theBC button on the Infotainment systemand select the menu item.The tyre pressure monitoring systemautomatically detects the vehicleload. A message appears on theinformation display if inconsistent tyrepressures are detected. In someversions, the message is displayed inabbreviated form.For example, the following messagescan be displayed:A graphic indicating the left rear tyreis shown together with the current tyrepressure; slight pressure deviation.Reduce speed. Check tyre pressureat next opportunity with anappropriate gauge and correct ifnecessary.On the Colour-Info-Display, thismessage will appear in yellow.A graphic indicating the front left tyreis shown together with the current tyrepressure; significant pressuredeviation or direct pressure loss.Steer out of the flow of traffic asquickly as possible withoutendangering other vehicles. Stop andcheck the tyres. Mount the sparewheel if necessary 3 182.On the Colour-Info-Display, thismessage will appear in red.Acknowledgement of warnings 3 91,3 93.Vehicle messages 3 99.