Introduction 3Vehicle specific dataPlease enter your vehicle's data onthe previous page to keep it easilyaccessible. This information isavailable in the sections "Service andmaintenance" and "Technical data"as well as on the identification plate.IntroductionYour vehicle is a designedcombination of advanced technology,safety, environmental friendlinessand economy.This Owner's Manual provides youwith all the necessary information toenable you to drive your vehiclesafely and efficiently.Make sure your passengers areaware of the possible risk of accidentand injury which may result fromimproper use of the vehicle.You must always comply with thespecific laws and regulations of thecountry that you are in. These lawsmay differ from the information in thisOwner's Manual.When this Owner's Manual refers to aworkshop visit, we recommend yourVauxhall Authorised Repairer.All Vauxhall Authorised Repairersprovide first-class service atreasonable prices. Experiencedmechanics trained by Vauxhall workaccording to specific Vauxhallinstructions.The customer literature pack shouldalways be kept ready to hand in thevehicle.Using this manual■ This manual describes all optionsand features available for thismodel. Certain descriptions,including those for display andmenu functions, may not apply toyour vehicle due to model variant,country specifications, specialequipment or accessories.■ The "In brief" section will give youan initial overview.■ The table of contents at thebeginning of this manual and withineach section shows where theinformation is located.■ The index will enable you to searchfor specific information.■ This Owner's Manual depicts left-hand drive vehicles. Operation issimilar for right-hand drive vehicles.■ The Owner's Manual uses thefactory engine designations. Thecorresponding sales designationscan be found in the section"Technical data".■ Directional data, e.g. left or right, orfront or back, always relate to thedirection of travel.■ The vehicle display screens maynot support your specific language.■ Display messages and interiorlabelling are written in bold letters.Danger, Warnings andCautions9 DangerText marked 9 Danger providesinformation on risk of fatal injury.Disregarding this information mayendanger life.