Instruments and controls 91Information displaysBoard-Info-DisplayThe Info-Display is located in theinstrument panel above theInfotainment system.Info-Display indicates:■ time 3 76■ outside temperature 3 75■ date 3 76■ Infotainment system - seeInfotainment system instructionmanualThe Info-Display is located in theinstrument panel above theInfotainment system.An F in the display indicates a fault.Have the cause of the fault remediedby a workshop.Trip computer, Board-Info-Display3 100.Selecting functionsFunctions and settings of theInfotainment system can be accessedvia the Info-Display.Functions are selected and executedin the menu on the display using thearrow buttons on the Infotainmentsystem or the left adjuster wheel onthe steering wheel.If a check control warning messageappears on the Info-Display, thedisplay is blocked from otherfunctions. Acknowledge the messageby pressing the OK button or the leftadjuster wheel. If there are severalwarning messages, acknowledgethem one at a time.Check control 3 99.Select using the Infotainment systembuttonsIn the Settings menu, use the OKbutton to call up the required function.Use the arrow buttons to changesettings.In the BC menu, use the OK button tocall up the required function. Use theOK button to operate the stop watchor restart measurement andcalculation.