Navigation 53Turn ListThe Turn List displays all streets andturning manoeuvres on the calculatedroute starting from the currentlocation.Press the DEST button and thenselect the Turn List menu item. Theturn list is displayed.To exclude certain streets from theroute, select the Avoid screen buttonnext to the respective street.The route is recalculated and therespective street is excluded.Avoid ListWhen streets have been excludedfrom the original route, they aredisplayed in the Avoid List.Press the DEST button and thenselect the Avoid List menu item todisplay the respective submenu.To display all streets avoided, selectthe View List menu item.To delete all avoidances and return tothe original route, select the Delete AllItems menu item.DetourPress the DEST button and thenselect the Detour menu item.To change the route for a certaindistance, select the Detour ByDistance menu item. A menu listingdifferent distances is displayed.Select the desired distance. Theroute is recalculated accordingly.To block the whole route, select theDetour Complete Route menu item.The original route is blocked and anew route to the desired destinationis calculated.Exit listTo display a list of the next exits andmotorway stations while driving on amotorway, press the NAV button andthen press the multifunction knob todisplay the Navigation Menu.Scroll through the list and select theExit List menu item.Route optionsWhen route guidance is active, pressthe DEST button and then select theRoute Options menu item.A list of route calculation options androad types is displayed.To define by what criteria a route maybe calculated, activate one of theoptions: Fastest for the fastest route(in time), Shortest for the shortestroute (in distance) or Eco for the routewith the lowest fuel consumption.To define which road types may beincluded in the calculation of theroute, activate the desired options:highways, tollroads, ferries, etc.