66 PhoneMobile phones and CBradio equipmentInstallation instructions andoperating guidelinesThe vehicle specific installationinstructions and the operatingguidelines of the mobile phone andhandsfree manufacturer must beobserved when installing andoperating a mobile telephone. Failureto do so could invalidate the vehicletype approval (EU directive 95/54/EC).Recommendations for fault-freeoperation:■ Professionally installed exteriorantenna to obtain the maximumrange possible,■ Maximum transmission power10 watts,■ Installation of the phone in asuitable spot, consider relevantNote in the Owner's Manual,chapter Airbag system.Seek advice on predeterminedinstallation points for the externalantenna or equipment holder andways of using devices with atransmission power exceeding10 watts.Use of a handsfree attachmentwithout external antenna with mobiletelephone standardsGSM 900/1800/1900 and UMTS isonly permitted if the maximumtransmission power of the mobiletelephone is 2 watts for GSM 900 or1 watt for the other types.For reasons of safety, do not use thephone while driving. Even use of ahandsfree set can be a distractionwhile driving.9 WarningOperation of radio equipment andmobile telephones which fail tomeet above mentioned mobiletelephone standards is onlypermitted using an antennalocated outside of the vehicle.CautionMobile telephones and radioequipment may lead tomalfunctions in the vehicleelectronics when operated insidethe vehicle with no exteriorantenna, unless the abovementioned regulations areobserved.