Contents - Table Of Contents
- In brief
- Instrum ents
- K eys, doors, b onnet
- S eats, interior
- S afety system s
- Lighting
- Windows, soft top, ha rd top
- Heating, ventila tion
- Driving hints
- S aving fuel
- Env ironmental protection
- Fuel consum ption, fuel, refuelling
- C atalytic converter, exhaust emissions
- Brakes
- Wheels, tyres
- S elf-help
- If You Have a Problem
- S ervice plan, m aintenance
- Vehicle care
- Technical data
- Index
34P age 34, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\ RHD, Vaux Edition 9.3.05Inspecti on of bel tsPeriodically inspect all parts of the b eltsystem for damag e and to mak e sure theyare functioning properly. Have da magedparts replac ed. After an accid ent,overstretched belts m ust be replaced bynew ones. We recom mend consulting yourVauxhall Approved Rep airer.Do not perform a ny alterations on thebelts, their anchora ges, the autom aticretractors or the b elt buckles.Make sure that belts are not dam aged ortrapped by sharp-edged objects.Belt te nsionersThe seat b elt system incorporates b elttensioners. I n the event of a head-oncollision the belts are pulled downwards;the diagonal and lap belts a reinstantaneously tightened.Actuati on of belt tensionersIf the belt tensioners ha ve been actuated,they m ust be rep la ced by a workshop. Werecommend your Vauxhall ApprovedRepairer.Belt t ensioner control i nd icatorThe seat belt tensioners are monitoredelectronically together with the airbag , andtheir operational readiness shown by the vcontrol ind icator in the instrument panel.When the ignition is switched on, thecontrol ind icator illum inates, thenextinguishes. I f it does not light up or if itilluminates during driving, there is a fault inthe airbag system or the belt tensioners(see also page 37). H ave the systemchecked without delay. We recommendy our Vauxhall Approved Repairer. Thesystem’ s integral self-diagnosis facilityallows faults to b e q uick ly rem edied.The b elt tensioners are operational onlywhen the control indica tor is unlit. PreviousNext |