Contents - Table Of Contents
- In brief
- Instrum ents
- K eys, doors, b onnet
- S eats, interior
- S afety system s
- Lighting
- Windows, soft top, ha rd top
- Heating, ventila tion
- Driving hints
- S aving fuel
- Env ironmental protection
- Fuel consum ption, fuel, refuelling
- C atalytic converter, exhaust emissions
- Brakes
- Wheels, tyres
- S elf-help
- If You Have a Problem
- S ervice plan, m aintenance
- Vehicle care
- Technical data
- Index
81P age 81, L:\Owner's Manual\Nv\Speedster-VX220\Master\KTA2399-5\VML\ RHD, Vaux Edition 9.3.05Freeze p rotection and corrosionprot ect ionBefore the start of the cold weather season,have the coolant checked with a calibratedhydrometer for correct concentration b y aworkshop. We recommend your VauxhallApproved Repairer. The anti-freez econtent must guarantee freeze protectiondown to app rox imately -30 ° C. Aninsufficient concentration will reduce freezeand corrosion protection. Add anti-freeze ifnecessary.If coolant loss is topped up with water,have anti-freez e concentration chec kedand more anti-freeze added as necessary.Coolant lev elHardly a ny losses occur since the coolingsy stem is sealed and it is thus rarelynecessary to top up the coolant.The coolant lev el in the exp ansion tankshould be level with the centre seam whenthe system is cold. It rises at eng ineop erating temperature and drops againwhen the engine cools down. I f the lev elfa lls below the centre seam, the coolantshould be replenished .Remove filler cap carefully so that pressurecan esca pe slowly . Top up a nti-freeze. If noanti-freeze is available, top up with cleantap water.After topping up with water, have theconcentration check ed, and anti-freezeadd ed if necessary, b y a w ork shop. Werecommend your Vaux hall Ap prov edRepairer.When closing , tighten coolant filler ca p asfar as it will go.C ool ant temp era tureFor physical reasons, the enginetemperature gauge shows the coolanttemperature only if the coolant level isadequate.During operation the sy stem is pressurized.The tem perature may therefore rise to ov er100 ° C.If the temp erature g auge flashes, checkthe coola nt level immediately .z Coolant level too low:Top up coolant, see Coolant lev el. H avethe cause of the coolant loss rem edied.We recom mend you consult yourVauxhall Ap prov ed Repairer.z Coolant level O K:Have the cause of the inc reased coolanttemperature remed ied. We rec om mendyou consult your Vauxhall ApprovedRepairer. PreviousNext |