Contents - Table Of Contents
- In brief
- Instrum ents
- K eys, doors, b onnet
- S eats, Interior
- head restraint position
- luggage compartment cover
- luggage compartment
- S afety system s
- exterior mirrors
- Lighting
- Windows, sun roof
- Heating and v entilation
- Air conditioning system
- Electronic air conditioning system
- Automatic transm ission
- Driving hints
- S ave fuel, protec t the env ironment
- Fuel consum ption, fuel, refuelling
- C atalytic converter, exhaust gases
- Drive control system s
- Brakes
- Wheels, tyres
- Roof racks caravan and tra iler towing
- S elf-help
- fog tail light
- If you have a problem
- Maintenance, Inspec tion system
- Vehicle care
- engine compartment
- Technical data
- engine data
- Index
182Driving hintsThe first 600 miles / 1000 kmDrive your vehicle at v arious speeds. Donot use full throttle. Never allow the eng ineto labour at low revs.Make good use of all gea rs. Depress theaccelerator pedal a maximum of aroundthree quarters of the ava ila ble ped al travelin all gears.Do not drive faster than three quarters ofmax imum speed.Do not brake unnecessarily hard for thefirst 125 miles (200 km ).Never coast with engine not runningMany units w ill not function in this situation(e.g. brake servo unit, electro-hydraulicpower steering). Driving in this ma nner is adanger to y ourself a nd others.Brake servo unitIf the engine is not running, the effect of thebrake servo stops after the brake ped al hasbeen dep ressed once or tw ic e. This doesnot reduce the braking effect, butsignificantly more brake pedal pressure isrequired to operate the brak e.Power ste eringIf the power-assisted steering fails whenbeing towed with the engine switched off,the vehicle can still be steered butconsidera bly more forc e is req uired.Driving in mountainous te rrain orwith a caravan / trailerThe cooling fan is electrically operated. Itscooling p ow er is therefore independent ofthe engine speed.Since a considerable amount of heat isgenera ted at high engine speeds and lessat slower speeds, do not shift d ow n whenclimbing hills whilst the v ehicle is still copingwith the gradient in the higher g ear.Diesel engine: On rising gradients of 10 % ormore, do not drive faster than 20 mph(30 km/h) in 1st gear or 30 mph (50 km /h) in2nd gear; with automatic transmission 3, donot exceed 25 mph (40 km/h) in position 1.Driving with a roof loadDo not exceed the perm issible roof load –see pages 204, 267. For reasons of safety,distribute the loa d ev enly a nd secure itproperly with reta ining straps so that itcannot slip . Set the ty re p ressure to theva lue sp ecified for a full load. Do not drivefaster than 75 m ph (120 km/h). C heck andretig hten the straps frequently.Switching off the e ngineWhen you switch off the engine, fans in theeng ine compartm ent may continuerunning for a time to cool the engine.If the engine temperature is very high, e.g.after driving in mountainous terrain: allowthe engine to id le for approx im ately twominutes in order to prevent heatacc um ulation.Vehicles with engine Z 20 LET 1 ):After running at high eng ine speeds or higheng ine loads, op erate the engine briefly ata low load or run in neutral for approx.30 seconds before switching off in orderto protec t the turbocharger.1) Sales des ig nation – see p ag e 263.
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