Contents - Table Of Contents
- In brief
- Instrum ents
- K eys, doors, b onnet
- S eats, Interior
- head restraint position
- luggage compartment cover
- luggage compartment
- S afety system s
- exterior mirrors
- Lighting
- Windows, sun roof
- Heating and v entilation
- Air conditioning system
- Electronic air conditioning system
- Automatic transm ission
- Driving hints
- S ave fuel, protec t the env ironment
- Fuel consum ption, fuel, refuelling
- C atalytic converter, exhaust gases
- Drive control system s
- Brakes
- Wheels, tyres
- Roof racks caravan and tra iler towing
- S elf-help
- fog tail light
- If you have a problem
- Maintenance, Inspec tion system
- Vehicle care
- engine compartment
- Technical data
- engine data
- Index
244Maintenance,Inspection systemIn order to guarantee econom ical and safevehicle operation and to m ainta in thevalue of y our v ehicle, it is of vitalimportanc e that all maintenance work iscarried out at the proper intervals asspecified b y Vauxhall.The next serv ice is indicated by the serv iceinterval display depending on time ormileage interva ls, whic hever is reachedfirst.The service interval display takes noaccount of off-the-road periods duringwhic h the battery is disconnected.The maintenance intervals specified in theServ ic e Book let ha ve priority a nd should beob served.Serv ic e interv al display – see page 38.In the case of v ehicles driven infrequentlywith frequent cold sta rts or predomina ntlyin urba n traffic a nd stop-and-go traffic, anadd itional engine oil and engine oil filterchange is advisable.Further information on service and theinspection system ca n be found in theS ervice Booklet, which is in the glovecompa rtm ent.Hav e maintena nce work, as well as repairsto the b odywork and units, ca rried out by aprofessional. We recommend a VauxhallAuthorised Repa irer, who is conversantwith Vaux hall vehicles and in possession ofthe special tools required and the latestS ervice I nstructions from Vauxhall. In ord erto av oid inv alidation of any warrantyclaim, it is especially important to entrustwork to a Vaux hall Authorised Repairerduring the warranty period. For furtherinform ation, see the Service Booklet.Sepa rate anti-c orrosion serv iceHav e this service p erform ed b y a VauxhallAuthorised Repa irer once a year, either aspart of a Service or sep arately - see S erviceBooklet. To avoid inva lid ation of a nywarranty claim aga inst rust-throug h, werecommend that you consult a VauxhallAuthorised Repa irer.
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