Contents - Table Of Contents
- In brief
- Instrum ents
- K eys, doors, b onnet
- S eats, Interior
- head restraint position
- luggage compartment cover
- luggage compartment
- S afety system s
- exterior mirrors
- Lighting
- Windows, sun roof
- Heating and v entilation
- Air conditioning system
- Electronic air conditioning system
- Automatic transm ission
- Driving hints
- S ave fuel, protec t the env ironment
- Fuel consum ption, fuel, refuelling
- C atalytic converter, exhaust gases
- Drive control system s
- Brakes
- Wheels, tyres
- Roof racks caravan and tra iler towing
- S elf-help
- fog tail light
- If you have a problem
- Maintenance, Inspec tion system
- Vehicle care
- engine compartment
- Technical data
- engine data
- Index
196Brakes Brake systemThe efectiveness of the brakes is animportant fa ctor for traffic safety .To improve effectiveness, do not brakeunnec essarily ha rd for the first 125 miles(200 km) after new brak e p ads ha ve beenfitted.Brake pad wear must not ex ceed aspecified lim it. Reg ular maintenance asdetailed in the S ervice Booklet is thereforeof the utmost im porta nce for traffic sa fety.Have worn brake pads replaced. Werecommend that you consult a Va ux ha llAuthorised Repairer, who will fit pads thatha ve b een tested a nd approved byVauxhall and guarantee optimum brakingpower.Brake pads which have worn down tominim um thickness will squeal. Driv ing maybe c ontinued. Have the b rake padsreplaced as soon a s p ossible. Werecommend a Vauxhall AuthorisedRepairer.Foot bra keThe foot brak e comprises two independentbrak e circuits.If one brake c ircuit fails, the vehicle can stillbe braked using the other b ra ke circ uit. Ifthis occurs, how ever, the brake peda l m ustbe depressed farther a nd considerableforce must be used before braking effec t isfelt. Braking distance increases. Seek thehelp of a workshop before continuing todrive. We recomm end a VauxhallAuthorised Repa irer.To ensure the full peda l travel can beutilized, especially in case of a fault in oneof the b ra ke circuits, there m ust be no ma tsin the area of the ped als– see page 183.
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