Contents - Table Of Contents
- In brief
- Instrum ents
- K eys, doors, b onnet
- S eats, Interior
- head restraint position
- luggage compartment cover
- luggage compartment
- S afety system s
- exterior mirrors
- Lighting
- Windows, sun roof
- Heating and v entilation
- Air conditioning system
- Electronic air conditioning system
- Automatic transm ission
- Driving hints
- S ave fuel, protec t the env ironment
- Fuel consum ption, fuel, refuelling
- C atalytic converter, exhaust gases
- Drive control system s
- Brakes
- Wheels, tyres
- Roof racks caravan and tra iler towing
- S elf-help
- fog tail light
- If you have a problem
- Maintenance, Inspec tion system
- Vehicle care
- engine compartment
- Technical data
- engine data
- Index
86Safety systems Three-stage re straint systemComprising:z three-point seat beltsz Belt tensioners at the front seatsz Airbag system s for driv er, frontpassenger 3 and outboard rear seatsThe three stag es are a ctivated in sequencedepending on the seriousness of theaccident:z The automa tic seat belt locking devicesprevent the belt strap from being pulledout and thus ensure that the v ehicleoccupants are retained in their seats.z The front seat b elt buckles are p ulleddownwards. As a result, the seat b eltsare instantaneously tightened and theoccupants are made aware of thedeceleration of the vehicle at a v ery ea rlystage. This reduces the stress placed onthe body.z The airbag sy stems a re also triggered inthe ev ent of serious accidents and form asafety cushion for the occupants.Be sure to read the detailed descriptions ofthe three-stage restra int system and thechild restraint system on the followingpag es!The airbag sy stems 3 supplem ent thethree-point seat belts and belttensioners. The seat belts must thereforealways be worn. Disregard of theseinstructions may lea d to injuries orendanger life. Vehicle p assengers shouldbe informed accordingly.
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