275 Connecting to power supplyVEGABAR 82 • Slave sensor for electronic differential pressure48046-EN-1903205 Connecting to power supply5.1 Preparing the connectionAlways keep in mind the following safety instructions:• Carry out electrical connection by trained, qualified personnelauthorised by the plant operator• If overvoltage surges are expected, overvoltage arresters shouldbe installedWarning:Connect only in the complete absence of line voltage.The voltage supply and the signal transmission are carried out via thefour-wire, screened connection cable from the master sensor.You can find the data for this signal circuit in chapter "Technical data".The screening of the cable between master and slave sensor mustbe connected on both ends to ground potential. In the sensor, thescreening is connected directly to the internal ground terminal. Theground terminal on the outside of the housing must be connected tothe ground potential (low impedance).Metric threadsIn the case of instrument housings with metric thread, the cableglands are screwed in at the factory. They are sealed with plasticplugs as transport protection.You have to remove these plugs before electrical connection.NPT threadIn the case of instrument housings with self-sealing NPT threads, it isnot possible to have the cable entries screwed in at the factory. Thefree openings for the cable glands are therefore covered with red dustprotection caps as transport protection.Prior to setup you have to replace these protective caps with ap-proved cable glands or close the openings with suitable blind plugs.On plastic housings, the NPT cable gland or the Conduit steel tubemust be screwed into the threaded insert without grease.Max. torque for all housings, see chapter "Technical data".5.2 ConnectingThe connection to the Master sensor is carried out through spring-loaded terminals in the respective housing. For this, use the supplied,confectioned cable. Solid cores as well as flexible cores with cableend sleeves are inserted directly into the terminal openings.In case of flexible cores without end sleeves, press the terminal fromabove with a small screwdriver, the terminal opening is then free.When the screwdriver is released, the terminal closes again.Safety instructionsVoltage supplyCable screening andgroundingCable glandsConnection technology