56repairs at the unit PS 3.29 / 3.3111.4 PS 3.29 / 3.31 coNNecTIoN dIAGRAmLOADLINEEMI FilterP/N 0522053GroundP/N 0522052GroundSwitchBlueBrownBlackBrownBrownBlueWhiteBlueWhiteRedBlackBlackRedRed (+)Black (-)BlackPower CordGroundCapacitorSurge suppressorP/N 0551758Motor controllerPressure sensorL.E.D.Hall sensorFuse blockFusePotentiometerMotorDisplay wire assembly(P/N 0522022)11.5 dIGITAL eLecTRoNIc SPRAy coNTRoL(deSc) eRRoR meSSAGeSThe following error message screens appear whenever the Digital ElectronicSpray Control (DESC) detects a problem with the sprayer. Once a problemoccurs and the error message appears, the sprayer will shut down.Before proceeding, relieve any pressure remaining in thesystem (valve position PRIME k). Additionally, follow allother warnings to reduce the risk of an injection injury, injuryfrom moving parts or electric shock. Always unplug thesprayer before servicing!cHecK TRANSduceR ScReeNCHECKTRANSDUCERThe Check Transducer screen appears whenthe transducer has become disconnected or isdefective. Take the sprayer to a Wagner authorized service center for repair.cHecK PoTeNTIomeTeR ScReeNCHECKPOTENTIOMETERThe Check Potentiometer screen appears whenthe potentiometer has become disconnectedor is defective. Take the sprayer to a Wagner authorized service center forrepair.cHecK moToR ScReeNCHECKMOTORIndicates the motor is shut down due toconnection problems between the motorand controller. Take the sprayer to a Wagnerauthorized service center for repair.LoW VoLTAGe ScReeNLOWVOLTAGEThe Low Voltage screen appears when thesprayer shuts down because of low inputvoltage. Check the power supply and correct the problem. Restart thesprayer.HIGH moToR TemPeRATuRe ScReeNHIGH MOTORTEMPERATUREThe High Motor Temperature screen appearswhen the temperature of the motor has risentoo high. Take the sprayer to a Wagner authorized service center for repair.HIGH mecHANIcAL LoAdHIGH MECHANICALLOADThe High Mechanical Load screen appears whenthe sprayer shuts down because of high currentor when the sprayer goes into current fold back mode. Take the sprayer to aWagner authorized service center for repair.HIGH coNTRoL TemPeRATuRe ScReeNHIGH CONTROLTEMPERATUREIndicates the DESC is shut down due to excessiveheat. Take the sprayer to a Wagner authorizedservice center for repair.BAd HALL cycLe PoWeR ScReeNBAD HALL CYCLEPOWERIndicates the motor or motor hall affect sensorsare defective. Take the sprayer to a Wagnerauthorized service center for repair.