WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 XTR Standards and Approvals 21750-xxxx/0040-xxxx Design Notes /XTRManualVersion 1.2.0Pos : 22 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschriften/Ebene 1N or men und Z ul ass ungen - Übersc hrift 1 @ 15\mod_1366723683236_21.doc x @ 117687 @ 1 @ 14 Standards and ApprovalsPos : 23.1 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Ger ätebesc hrei bung/N ormen und Ric htlini en/Nor men und Ric htlini en 75x- xxx Systembesc hrei bung @ 18\mod_1393329414685_21.doc x @ 146305 @ @ 1The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 XTR series was tested according to the followingstandards and guidelines. The test values are available in the manual of therespective I/O module or fieldbus coupler/controller:Pos : 23.2 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Ger ätebesc hrei bung/N ormen und Ric htlini en/Nor men und Ric htlini en XTR - Mechani k und Klima Systembes chr eibung @ 18\mod_1394618852600_21.doc x @ 147748 @ @ 1Table 9: Climatic and Mechanical Environmental ConditionsRange Acc. Standard TitleEnvironmental testing EN 61131-2 Programmable logic controller, testingEN 60721-3-1 Environmental conditions – long-termstorageEN 60721-3-3 Environmental conditions – stationaryuse, weather-protectedEN 60870-2-2 Telecontrol equipment – environmentalconditionsEN 61850-3 Communication networks and systemsin stationsIEEE 1613 Environmental and TestingRequirements in Power SubstationsShipbuilding Systems for maritime shippingPos : 23.3 /All e Seri en ( Allgemei ne Module)/N or men und Ric htli nien/N or men und Ric htli nien XTR - EMV - Systembesc hrei bung @ 16\mod_1378286378361_21.doc x @ 130729 @ @ 1Compliance with the standards is component-dependentDepending on the selected components, there may be limitations in theperformance of individual EMC standards.Therefore, observe the section “Standards and Guidelines” in the manual of yourI/O modules or fieldbus coupler/controller!