WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 XTR Assembly 27750-xxxx/0040-xxxx Design Notes /XTRManualVersion 1.2.0Pos : 26.9 /Serie 750 (WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/M ontieren/D emontieren/M ontagerei henfolge @ 3\mod_1231770210031_21.doc x @ 25992 @ 2 @ 15.5 Mounting SequenceFieldbus couplers/controllers and I/O modules of the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM750/753 are snapped directly on a carrier rail in accordance with the Europeanstandard EN 50022 (DIN 35).The reliable positioning and connection is made using a tongue and groovesystem. Due to the automatic locking, the individual devices are securely seatedon the rail after installation.Starting with the fieldbus coupler/controller, the I/O modules are mountedadjacent to each other according to the project design. Errors in the design of thenode in terms of the potential groups (connection via the power contacts) arerecognized, as the I/O modules with power contacts (blade contacts) cannot belinked to I/O modules with fewer power contacts.Pos : 26.10 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Wichtig e Erl äuter ung en/Sic her hei ts- und s onstige Hinweise/Vorsicht/Vorsic ht: Verletzungsgefahr durc h sc har fkantige Messer kontakte! @ 6\mod_1256193279401_21.doc x @ 43414 @ @ 1Risk of injury due to sharp-edged blade contacts!The blade contacts are sharp-edged. Handle the I/O module carefully to preventinjury.Pos : 26.11 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Wichtig e Erl äuter ung en/Sic her hei ts- und s onstige Hinweise/Ac htung/Ac htung: Bus kl emmen nur in vorges ehener Rei henfolge stec ken! @ 6\mod_1256194177073_21.doc x @ 43429 @ @ 1Insert I/O modules only from the proper direction!All I/O modules feature grooves for power jumper contacts on the right side. Forsome I/O modules, the grooves are closed on the top. Therefore, I/O modulesfeaturing a power jumper contact on the left side cannot be snapped from the top.This mechanical coding helps to avoid configuration errors, which may destroythe I/O modules. Therefore, insert I/O modules only from the right and from thetop.Pos : 26.12 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Wichtig e Erl äuter ung en/Sic her hei ts- und s onstige Hinweise/Ac htung/Ac htung: XTR- Abschnitte aussc hließlic h mit XTR-Ei ns peis ekl emmen begi nnen @ 27\mod_1468396316258_21.doc x @ 216628 @ @ 1XTR sections begin with XTR supply modules exclusively!The power jumper contacts of XTR products use a contact material different thanother WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 products.Connecting power jumper contacts of XTR products to power jumper contacts ofnon-XTR products leads to irreversible deterioration in contact characteristics inthe long run.Therefore, start sections of XTR I/O modules with an XTR supply module.Only connect XTR I/O modules after XTR supply modules, never otherwise.Pos : 26.13 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Wichtig e Erl äuter ung en/Sic her hei ts- und s onstige Hinweise/Hinweis/Hi nweis : Bus absc hluss XTR nic ht vergessen! @ 15\mod_1368426836647_21.doc x @ 119458 @ @ 1