Fieldbus Controller 750-841 • 99Programming the PFC with WAGO-I/O-PRO CAAWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750ETHERNET TCP/IP3. Transmission via the Serial InterfaceUse the WAGO communication cable to produce a physical connection to theserial interface. This is contained in the scope of delivery of the programmingtool IEC 1131-3, order No.: 759-333/000-002, or can be purchased as anaccessory under order No.: 750-920.Connect the COMX port of your PC with the communication interface of yourcontroller using the WAGO communication cable.A communication driver is required for serial data transmission. InWAGO-I/O-PRO CAA, this driver and its parameterization are entered in the"Communication parameters" dialog.1. Start WAGO-I/O-PRO CAA by using the Windows Start menu, find andclick on the WAGO-I/O-PRO program name (i.e., CoDeSys V2.3).2. In the Online program menu, click Communication parameters. Thedialog window Communication parameters opens. Next, click New tocreate a new communications channel and the CommunicationParameters: New Channel dialog window opens.3. In the Communication Parameters: New Channel dialog window, youcan enter a channel description in the “Name” field, then single click onSerial (RS232). Click the OK button to close the dialog window and theCommunication Parameters dialog window will regain focus.4. In the center window of the dialog, the following parameters appear: Baudrate=19200, Parity=Even, Stop bits=1, Motorola byteorder=No.If necessary, change the entries accordingly. After all changes are entered,Click OK. You can now test communication with your controller.NoteTo access the controller, the operating mode switch of the controller mustbe in the center or the top position.5. Under the program menu item Online, click Log-on to log on to thecontroller. (During online operations the WAGO-I/O-PRO CAA server isactive and the Communication Parameters menu item cannot be accessed.)6. If the controller does not contain a application program, or it contains adifferent program, a dialog window appears asking whether or not the newprogram should be loaded. Confirm with the Yes button.7. As soon as the program is loaded, you can start the controller by clicking onthe program menu item Online and then Run. At the right-hand side of thestatus bar (the status bar is located at the bottom of the screen), theRUNNING indicator will be highlighted .8. To terminate the online operation, return to the Online menu and click onLog-off.