Fieldbus Controller 750-841 • 87Starting up an ETHERNET TCP/IP fieldbus nodeWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750ETHERNET TCP/IPFig. 3-13 Dialog Window of the WAGO BootP Server with Messages P012909d10. Now it is important to restart the controller by resetting the hardware. Todo this, cycle power to the fieldbus controller for approximately 2 secondsor press the operating mode switch down, which is located behind theconfiguration interface flap on the front of the controller.Following this, you should see a reply from the PFC stating that the IPaddress has been accepted (no errors). The IP address is now temporarilystored in the controller. Do not cycle power on the controller until theBootP protocol has been disabled in the PFC.11. Click on the Stop button, and then on the Exit button to close the BootPServer . Testing the Function of the Fieldbus Node1. To test the controller’s newly assigned I/P address, start a DOS window byclicking on the Start menu item Programs/MS-DOS Prompt2. In the DOS window, enter the command: "ping " followed by the PFC’s IPaddress in the following format:ping [space] XXXX . XXXX . XXXX . XXXX (=IP address).Example: ping 3-14: Example for the Function test of a Fieldbus Node P012910d3. When the Enter key has been pressed, your PC will receive a query from thecontroller, which will then be displayed in the DOS window.If the error message: "Timeout" appears, please compare your entries againto the allocated IP address and check all connections. Verify that theTXD/RXD LEDs flash when the ping command is issued.4. When the test has been performed successfully, you can close the DOSprompt.5. Since the IP address is still temporarily stored in the controller. Do notcycle power on the controller until the BootP protocol has been disabled inthe PFC.