20 Device Description WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750750-493 3-Phase Power Measurement ModuleManualVersion 1.2.0Pos : 42 /All e Seri en (Allgemei ne Module)/Ü berschriften für alle Serien/Gerätebesc hreibung/Sc hematisches Sc haltbil d - Ü bersc hrift 2 @ 4\mod_1240984441312_21.doc x @ 31967 @ 2 @ 13.5 Schematic DiagramPos : 43 /Serie 750 ( WAGO-I/O-SYST EM)/Ger ätebesc hrei bung/Schematisc he Sc haltbil der/Anal ogeing angs kl emmen/Sc hematisc hes Sc haltbild 750-0493 @ 13\mod_1348574311920_21.doc x @ 103381 @ @ 1Figure 5: Schematic DiagramFunction Earth FE!In order to get a function earth, the connections N and IN are connected to themounting rail via a 1 nF capacitor and a spring contact. If the rail is correctlyconnected to PE, the immunity to interference is increased.