750-636 [DC Drive Controller] • 17Process ImageWAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750I/O-Modules2. Control Bytes and Status BytesControl byte C0Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0Reg_ComX X CurrentControl_ONPreset PositioningMovePosMoveNegDrive is supposed to move in negative direction. This function is onlyexecuted if MovePos and Positioning are not enabled.Otherwise, the drive is stopped.0: Drive does not move in negative directionMoveNeg1: Drive moves in negative directionDrive is supposed to move in positive direction. This function is onlyexecuted if MoveNeg and Positioning are not enabled.Otherwise, the drive is stopped.0: Drive does not move in positive directionMovePos1: Drive moves in negative directionDrive is supposed to move to its setpoint position. This function is onlyexecuted if MoveNeg and MovePos are not enabled.Otherwise, the drive is stopped.0: No positioning drivePositioning1: Positioning drive to setpoint positionWhen the bit changes from LOW to HIGH, the value of the setpointposition is transfered as preset value into the actual position. The presetregister is unaffected by this action. The L/H ramp is only consideredduring a “MovePos” and “MoveNeg” motion, or in the rest position ofthe terminal (‘Busy’ = 0). The state change has no results during apositioning motion and when the preset input is activated or released,respectively.Preset0Æ1: Setpoint position is transferred as preset value into the actualpositionThis bit moves the drive using the configured CurrentControl_PWM.During the moving process with “MoveNeg” and “MovePos” the PWMis directly set at the motor final stage if CurrentControl_ON = 1. Whenin the "Positioning" mode, this bit is only considered in phase 3 of thepositioning process. Please find more detailed information on thissubject in section "PWM control during positioning process."0: Drive is not moved using CurrentControl_PWM.CurrentControl_ON1: Drive is moved using CurrentControl_PWM.Register communication (see section Process data communication enabled.Reg_Com1: Register communication enabled.X Reserved