6-8 BA 1001/1501/2001 us – Edition 3.3 * * 12001b610.fmTechnical data (1001 – 1501)• Use a machine with a suspension system (operator seat, for example).• Enable the hydraulic oscillation damping if the machine is equipped with tracks.• If the machine is not equipped with hydraulic oscillation damping, reduce your speedto avoid bumps and jolts.• Load the machine on a truck or trailer to move between work sites.• Other risk factors can affect travel comfort negatively. The following measures canimprove drive comfort:• Adjust the operator seat and the control elements to a relaxed body posture.• Adjust the rearview mirrors to ensure optimal visibility so you can adopt an uprightseating position.• Provide breaks to avoid sitting for long periods.• Do not jump off the cabin.• Picking up and raising loads repeatedly must be limited to a minimum.Reference:The vibration values and calculations are based on the indications made in ISO/TR 25398Mechanical Vibrations – Guidelines for assessment of exposure to whole-body vibrationwhen operating earth moving machines.The harmonized data comply with measurements made by international institutes, organi-zations and manufacturers. This publication offers information on the calculation of whole-body vibrations for operators of earth moving machines. This method is based on vibrationmeasurements under real operating conditions for all machines. Read the original guide-lines. This chapter summarizes part of the legal regulations. However, its aim is not toreplace the original references. Other parts of this document are based on information ofthe United Kingdom Health and Safety Executive.For more information on vibration, refer to Directive 2002/44/EC of European Parliamentand Coucil on minimum health and safety requirements regarding exposure of workers torisks arising from physical agents (vibration).Your Wacker Neuson dealer provides information on other machine functions reducingvibration and on safe operation.