CUSTOMIZINGINDEXCONTENTSINDEXCONTENTS 3232Button functionsThe following list describes the options available for tool button, tablet control, or Pop-up Menu settings.Please note that not all options are available for all controls.CLICK . This option simulates a primarymouse button click. Be sure at least onebutton performs this function so you canalways navigate and click.DOUBLE CLICK. Simulates a double-click.For easier double-clicking, use thisfunction instead of tapping twice with thetip of your pen.MIDDLE CLICK. Simulates a middle mousebutton click.RIGHT CLICK. Simulates a right mousebutton click, which displays a contextmenu.CLICK LOCK . Simulates holding down theprimary mouse button. Press the toolbutton once to initiate click lock. Press thebutton again to release click lock. Clicklock is useful for dragging objects orselecting blocks of text.4TH CLICK (BACK ). Simulates a 4th mousebutton click, which on Windows systemstypically issues the BACK command inbrowser applications.5TH CLICK (FORWARD ). Simulates a 5thmouse button click, which typically issuesthe FORWARD command in browserapplications.APPLICATION DEFINED. Reports only thebutton number to the application. This isfor applications, such as CAD programs,that have built-in support for the Intuos3mouse or optional lens cursor.DEFAULT. Returns a button to its defaultsetting.DISABLED . Disables the button function.ERASE . Default setting for the eraser.See erasing for information on using theeraser.INK TOGGLE. (Macintosh.) Toggles the InkANYWHERE function of Inkwell on and off.Inkwell automatically recognizes andconverts your handwriting into text andinserts it into a document. Note that Inkmust be turned on for this function to work.See your Macintosh help for informationon working with Inkwell.KEYSTROKE.... Enables you to simulatekeystrokes.MODE TOGGLE.... Toggles between PENand MOUSE mode.MODIFIER.... Enables you to simulatemodifier keys.OPEN /RUN .... Opens an application, file, orscript.POP-UP MENU . Displays a Pop-up Menuon your screen. See customizing the Pop-up Menu for more information.PRESSURE HOLD. Locks the pressure atthe current pressure level until the buttonis released. For example, you can paintwith pressure-sensitivity until you reachthe brush size that you like. You can thenpress the button and continue painting withthe same size brush until the button isreleased.