CUSTOMIZINGINDEXCONTENTSINDEXCONTENTS 4949Advanced Touch Strip settingsThe tablet Touch Strips can be further customized within the A DVANCED TOUCH STRIP SETTINGS dialog box.When you click on the TOUCH STRIP tab’sA DVANCED ... button, the ADVANCED TOUCH STRIPS ETTINGS dialog box is displayed. The settingswithin this dialog box are global, and apply to allapplications.If you prefer not to use the continuous and singlestep operations of the Touch Strip, you can disablethem by deselecting this box. This option is selectedby default.Using the Touch Strips gives you more informationon working with the special function areas.Check the LEFT or RIGHT box to disable touchinput for a Touch Strip while still allowing you tocontrol the Touch Strip with your Intuos3 pen.Use these settings to avoid accidental operationof a Touch Strip as you move your hand over theTouch Strip area. The boxes are unchecked bydefault. Resets the dialog box options totheir original default conditions.