CUSTOMIZINGINDEXCONTENTSINDEXCONTENTS 3434• MODE TOGGLE.... Toggles between P EN mode and M OUSE mode. When first setting a tool button toMODE TOGGLE..., the MOUSE MODE dialog box is displayed where you can adjust the mouse accelerationand speed.• MODIFIER.... Enables you to simulate modifier key(s) (such as S HIFT, ALT, or CTRL for Windows, or SHIFT,OPTION, COMMAND, and CONTROL for Macintosh). Many applications use modifier keys to constrain thesize or placement of objects. Selecting this option displays the D EFINE MODIFIER dialog box where youcan assign one or more modifier key functions. After choosing the modifier function(s), click OK.Sets the screen cursoracceleration when inMOUSE mode.Sets the screen cursor tracking speed when in MOUSE modeNote: MOUSE mode settings can be accessed from a number of different locations withinthe control panel. However, for each input tool and application that you are customizing,only one MOUSE ACCELERATION and SPEED setting can be made.In addition to choosing one ormore modifier key options, youcan select the CLICK box if youwant a mouse click to occurwhenever you press the toolbutton.