APPENDIXINDEXCONTENTSINDEXCONTENTS 8080Other parts and accessoriesFor order information, see ordering parts and accessories.Description Part NumbersPen stand, for Grip Pen PST-A034Replacement nibs for Grip Pen, Airbrush, or Classic PenStandard nibs (white) PSI-A007Stroke nibsStroke nibs are spring-loaded, providing additional tactile feedbackwhen you are working with the Grip Pen. Airbrush, or Classic Pen.Stroke nibs are gray in color and are installed in the same manneras a standard pen nib. See replacing the pen tip.PSI-A042Felt nibs PSI-A043Intuos3 Grip Pen accessory kit. Includes pen grip (for pen use withoutside switch), replacement side switch, 5 standard nibs, 5 stroke nibs,5 felt nibs, and a nib extractor tool.FUZ-A118