2222IndexContentsIndexContentsUSING THE EXPRESSKEYSExpressKeys can be pressed individually or in combination with other ExpressKeys. They can also be usedtogether with your Intuos4 input tools. This allows you to modify a tool property with your secondary handwhile using the pen with your primary hand.Tip: In Adobe Photoshop and many other graphics applications, the A LT , CTRL , and S HIFT keys can be usedto modify a tool (or switch to a complementary tool) while the key is pressed.ExpressKeys configuration whenpositioned on the left side of the tablet(E XPRESS KEYS L EFT).ExpressKeys configuration whenpositioned on the right side of thetablet (E XPRESS KEYS R IGHT).ExpressKey default settings:ExpressKeys displayAutomatically updates to show thecurrent ExpressKey settings for theactive application. If an ExpressKey hasbeen disabled, there will be no display forthat key. See also optimizing theExpressKeys display.See customizing the ExpressKeys tomodify the ExpressKey settings.Note: Intuos4 S tablet models areequipped with six ExpressKeys, and donot include the ExpressKeys display.S HOW S ETTINGSRADIAL MENU(S HOW S ETTINGS for Intuos4 S)PRECISION M ODED ISPLAY TOGGLE(S HIFT modifier key for Intuos4 S)S HIFT modifier key(C TRL /C MD modifier key for Intuos4 S)C TRL /C MD modifier key(A LT /O PT modifier key for Intuos4 S)A LT/OPT modifier key(PAN /S CROLL for Intuos4 S)PAN/S CROLLImportant: Some applications can override and control the ExpressKey functions. For details, see usingapplications integrated for tablet control.