3434IndexContentsIndexContentsCUSTOMIZING THE EXPRESSKEYSWhen you open the EXPRESS KEYS tab, the current functions are shown in the corresponding pull-downmenus. As an additional reference, the tablet ExpressKeys display provides a visual indication of theExpressKey settings.When using Intuos4, the ExpressKeys display automatically updates to show the key settings for theapplication that is currently in the foreground. If an ExpressKey has been disabled, there will be no displayfor that key.Note: To set the brightness of the Touch Ring status LEDs and ExpressKeys display, select the O PTIONS...button located at the bottom of the control panel. In the OPTIONS dialog box adjust the EXPRESSKEY DISPLAYBRIGHTNESS slider as needed.Important: Some applications can override and control the ExpressKey functions. For details, seeusing applications integrated for tablet control.To customize a key, choose a functionthat will be performed when the key ispressed. The default settings aredescribed in using the ExpressKeys.Intuos4 S tablet models are onlyequipped with six ExpressKeys, anddo not include the ExpressKeysdisplay.Note: ExpressKey functions can bedefined for use with specificapplications.The ExpressKeys will be rotated 180degrees when the tablet orientation isset to E XPRESS KEYS R IGHT.ExpressKeys tab, shown for right-handed useExpressKeys tab, shown for left-handed use