2 6AppendixLimited Warranty for products purchased and used in U.S. and CanadaWACOM warrants the product, except for the Software, to be free from defects in materials and workman-ship under normal use and service as long as the product remains in possession of the original owner, for aperiod of one (1) year, as evidenced by a copy of the receipt and a registration card that has been returnedto WACOM within 30 days of purchase.The Software is licensed “as is.” WACOM makes no warranty with respect to its quality or performance.WACOM cannot guarantee you uninterrupted service or the correction of any errors.Upon discovery of a defect in the product, except in the Software, within the Warranty Period, you shouldnotify WACOM Technical Support via telephone or fax to obtain an RMA (return authorization number) andinstructions for shipping the product to a service location designated by WACOM. You should send the prod-uct, shipping charges prepaid, to the designated service location, accompanied by the return authorizationnumber, your name, address and telephone number, proof of purchase date, and a description of the defect.WACOM will pay for return shipping by United Parcel Service or by an equivalent service as chosen byWACOM.WACOM’s sole obligation and entire liability under this warranty shall be, at WACOM’s option, either the repairor replacement of the defective product or parts thereof of which WACOM is notified during the WarrantyPeriod; provided, however, that you are responsible for (i) the cost of transportation of the product to thedesignated service location and (ii) any loss or damage to the product resulting from such transportation.WACOM shall have no responsibility to repair or replace the product if the failure of the product has resultedfrom accident, abuse, misuse, negligence, or unauthorized modification or repair, or if it has been handledor stored other than in accordance with WACOM’s storage instructions.Any descriptions, drawings, specifications, samples, models, bulletins, or similar material, used in connec-tion with the sale of the product, shall not be construed as an express warranty that the product will conformor comply with your requirements.EXCEPT FOR THE LIMITED WARRANTY DESCRIBED ABOVE, THERE ARE NO OTHER WARRANTIES MADEBY WACOM ON THIS PRODUCT. NO ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BYWACOM, ITS DEALERS, DISTRIBUTORS, AGENTS, OR EMPLOYEES SHALL CREATE A WARRANTY OR INANY WAY INCREASE THE SCOPE OF THIS WARRANTY, AND YOU MAY NOT RELY ON ANY SUCHINFORMATION OR ADVICE. THIS WARRANTY GIVES YOU SPECIFIC LEGAL RIGHTS, WHICH VARYFROM STATE TO STATE.WACOM LIMITS THE DURATION OF ANY LEGALLY IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING IMPLIED WAR-RANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TO THE DURATION OFWACOM’S EXPRESS WARRANTY. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG ANIMPLIED WARRANTY LASTS. SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.PL500_Content 5/9/2000, 2:06 PM26