PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 11 WaldorfThe ControlsSimply use the mouse to set the PPG Wave 2.V controls. Dials: To set this control, click on it, hold down the mouse button and drag themouse around the dial in a circle. Dragging in a greater circle increases the value re-solution that is available. The PPG Wave 2.V display simultaneously shows the actu-al value of the corresponding parameters. If you prefer vertical mouse movement tochange a value, then you can set the PPG Wave 2.V into this mode. Just hold downthe [Shift] key on your computer keyboard and click on the PPG-logo. To set thisback to normal mode, Shift/click again. Display: The Display shows the current Sound numberand the Sound name. If your turn a dial. its numerical value is shown in the display.A mouse click on the sound number opens a pop-up menu with the availableSounds. Find more information in the section “Selecting and Playing Programs” onpage 8 of this manual. Switches: By clicking a switch once, you switch the corresponding functi-on On or Off. Buttons: A mouse click on a button activates a function. The DIGI button canfor instance be used to open the DIGITAL menu. Except for the KEYB. button, but-tons light up in red when they have been used. Button states are not saved with Pro-grams. Value Selectors: Position the mouse pointer on the value, hold downthe mouse button and drag up or down.