PPG Wave 2.VOperation Manual 5 WaldorfDifferences to the Original PPG Wave 2.3From today’s viewpoint, some functions in the original PPG Wave 2.3 are not up-to-date. For this reason, we have made a view changes to the Plug-In user interface, com-pared to its brother in hardware: The naming of the different menus: In the original, there were PROGRAM, DIGITAL,TUNING, ANALOG and SEQUENCE. The ANALOG menu displayed the dial para-meters as numerical values in the display. This helped the user to compare betweenthe physical dial setting and the actually set parameter value of the current sound. Inthe PPG Wave 2.V this menu is not necessary, as the dials show the settings of theselected sound at any time. The SEQUENCE menu was used to call up the built-insequencer of the original PPG. This had a very simple structure and could in no waycompare to the power of a modern software sequencer, which is why we haven’tincluded it in the Wave 2.V. Still present are the Arpeggiator and the possibility torecord parameter changes using MIDI Controller messages. In addition, the PPGWave 2.V has two new menus: MODULATION shows all possibilities for modulati-on within one menu, while the GRAPH menu offers graphic envelope and filter edi-ting. The second difference lies in the parameter names that are used: On the originalPPG, quite cryptic names were used for a number of functions (e.g. MF for the filtermodulation or SW for sub-oscillator behaviour). In the PPG Wave 2.V, these namesare either not abbreviated or the abbreviation makes sense. The third difference concerns the display of values. On the original PPG, even swit-ches only used numerical values. The parameter SUB-WAVES, which had the valuesOFF, OFFSET, DIRECT and ENV3. These were represented by the numbers 0, 1, 2and 3 (where 3 oddly enough stood for OFF). The PPG Wave 2.V offers an appro-ach that’s a little more comprehensible.System requirements WindowsIn order to be able to use PPG Wave 2.V you will need at least: A PC with a Pentium III / AMD Athlon 600 processor or better 64 MB free RAM Windows 2000 / XP VST 2.0 compatible host application supporting virtual instruments, such as CubaseVST 3.7 or higher, Cubase SX / SL / SE or Nuendo 1.5 or higher. This must be cor-rectly installed on your computer. Please also observe the system requirements of your host application!Installation under WindowsProceed as follows to install the PPG Wave 2.V:1. Start your computer and launch your operating system.2. Insert the PPG Wave 2.V CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.