Safety Instructions157. Do not wear loose fitting clothing that couldget caught in moving parts. Always wear ade-quate protective clothing including long pants.Wearing safety glasses, safety shoes, and ahelmet is advisable and required by some localordinances and insurance regulations.8. Prolonged exposure to loud noise can causeimpairment or loss of hearing. Operator hear-ing protection is recommended. Wear a suit-able hearing protective device, such as earmuffsor earplugs.9. Keep all protective shields and safety devic-es in place. If a protective shield, safety device,or decal is damaged, unusable, or missing, re-pair or replace it before operating the machine.10. Be sure any interlock switches are function-ing correctly so the engine cannot be startedunless the Forward Speed Control lever is inthe NEUTRAL position and the PTO clutch is inthe DISENGAGED position. Also, the engineshould stop if the operator lifts off the seat withthe PTO clutch in the ENGAGED position.11. Never attempt to make any adjustmentswhile the engine is running, except where spe-cifically instructed to do so.12. Handle gasoline or diesel fuel with care.Gasoline is highly flammable and its vapors areexplosive:a. Use an approved fuel container.b. Never add fuel to a running engine or hotengine (allow hot engine to cool severalminutes).c. Keep matches, cigarettes, cigars, pipes,open flames, or sparks away from the fueltank and fuel container.d. Always fill the fuel tank outdoors usingcare. Fill to about one inch from the top ofthe tank. Use a funnel or spout to preventspilling.e. Replace the machine fuel cap and contain-er cap securely and clean up any spilledfuel before starting the engine.OPERATINGNOTE: Refer to the Walker Rider LawnmowersOWNER’S MANUAL for safety instructions foroperating the tractor.1. Operate the machine only in daylight or in goodartificial light with good visibility of areas beingcleaned.2. Sit on the seat when starting the engine and op-erating the machine. Keep feet on footrests at alltimes when the tractor is moving and/or the im-plement is operating.3. An inexperienced operator should learn to steer(maneuver) the tractor with a slow enginespeed before attempting any operating. Beaware that, with the front mounted implementconfiguration, the back of the machine swings tothe outside during turns.4. Remember, for an emergency stop, the forwardmotion of the tractor can always be stopped bypulling the Forward Speed Control (FSC) intothe NEUTRAL-PARK position.5. Disengage the PTO clutch and put the FSC inthe NEUTRAL-PARK position before startingthe engine (an ignition interlock switch normallyprevents starting of the tractor if these controlsare in the OPERATING position).6. Do not run the engine in a confined area with-out adequate ventilation. Exhaust fumes arehazardous and can be deadly.7. Do not carry passengers - maximum seatingcapacity is one (1) person.8. Make sure the auger, brush, or debris blower isclear of snow, ice, or debris before engaging thePTO clutch.9. Be careful never to throw snow or blow debris to-wards people or cars, and never allow anyone infront of the implement.10. Watch out for hazards hidden under snow orleaves that could enter the chute or blower whileoperating.11. Avoid sudden starts or stops. Before backingthe machine up, look to the rear to be sure noone is behind the machine. Watch carefully fortraffic when crossing or working near roadways.