64Maintenance Instructions ADJUSTMENTSRotary Broom Drive Chain TensionThe drive chain should have 1/4 to 1/2 in. (6 to13 mm) of slack at midspan. Remove the chainguard cover to check slack. Adjust the drive chainas follows:1. Loosen the chain idler nut.Loosen Chain Idler Nut2. Position the chain idler so the chain has 1/4 to1/2 in. (6 to 13 mm) of slack.3. Retighten the chain idler nut.4. Recheck the drive chain tension.Proper Drive Chain TensionTwo-Stage Snowblower Skid ShoesAdjust the skid shoes to allow the required clear-ance under the blade. On level, paved surfaces,adjust the skid shoes to allow 3/16 to 1/4 in. (5 to6 mm) clearance between the cutting edge and thesurface. On uneven or gravel surfaces, allow 1/2to 5/8 in. (13 to 16 mm) clearance, depending on thesize of the gravel. Refer to Skid Shoe Height Ad-justment illustration.Skid Shoe Height AdjustmentTwo-Stage Snowblower Reduction ChainTensionAdjust the tension on the reduction chain as follows:1. Loosen the four (4) bolts securing the lowersprocket support box to the reduction box hous-ing.2. Position the lower sprocket support box accord-ing to the amount of chain tension required.The chain should have about 1/4 to 1/2 in. (6 to13 mm) of slack.3. To increase the chain tension, position thesupport box lower. To decrease the chain ten-sion, position the support box higher.4. Retighten the four (4) bolts securing the supportbox.Chain IdlerNutChain IdlerDriveChain Chain Idler BoltChainGuard1/4 to 1/2 in. (6 to 13 mm)Slack at MidspanChain Idler3/16 to 1/4 in. (5 to 6 mm)Clearance for Level, Paved Surfaces1/2 to 5/8 in. (13 to 16 mm)Clearance for Uneven or Gravel Surfaces