Safety Instructions139. Watch for holes, rocks, and roots in the terrainand for other hidden hazards. When mowingtall grass, mow higher than desired to exposeany hidden obstacles. Then, clean the areaand mow to the desired height.10. Avoid sudden starts or stops. Before backingthe machine up, look to the rear to be sure noone is behind the machine. Watch carefully fortraffic when crossing or working near roadways.11. Disengage the blade drive when transportingthe machine across drives, sidewalks, etc. Ne-ver raise the mower deck while blades arerotating.12. The maximum recommended side slope op-erating angle is 20 degrees or 33% grade.When operating the machine on a slope, reducespeed and use caution to start, stop, and ma-neuver. To prevent tipping or loss of control ofthe machine, avoid sharp turns or suddenchanges in direction.13. Never adjust cutting height with the enginerunning. Before adjusting cutting height orservicing, disengage the blade clutch (PTO),stop the engine, and remove the ignition key.Wait for all movement to stop before getting offthe seat.NOTE: A blade/blower brake should normallystop drive line rotation within five (5) seconds ofdisengaging the PTO clutch.14. For side discharge mower decks, do not oper-ate with the grass deflector chute removed.Keep the deflector in the lowest possible posi-tion.15. For tractors equipped with tilt-up deck, observethe following recommendations:a. Do not move tractor with deck in tilt-up po-sition.b. Never tilt body forward with deck in tilt-upposition.16. For GHS equipped models, do not operate themachine with the grass catcher in the DUMPposition or with the back door OPEN. Dan-gerous projectiles may be thrown out of the dis-charge chute or the back of the grass catcher.17. For GHS equipped models, use care whenclosing the grass catcher door. Keep fingersand hands away from the hinge and pinchpoints when the door is being closed. Also,keep fingers and hands clear of the door frame.The door is held closed with springs and thedoor may slam shut with considerable force.18. In case of a clogged or plugged mower deckor GHS catching system:a. Disengage the blade clutch (PTO) and turnthe engine off before leaving the seat.b. LOOK to make sure blade drive shaft andblower drive pulley movement has stoppedbefore trying to unclog the system.c. Disconnect the electrical plug on the fuelshut-off solenoid.d. Never place hands under the deck or in theGHS blower - use a stick or similar tool toremove clogged material.19. If the cutting blades strike a solid object or themachine begins to vibrate abnormally, immedi-ately disengage the blade clutch (PTO), stopthe engine, and wait for all moving parts tostop. To prevent accidental starting, discon-nect the electrical plug on the fuel shut-off sole-noid. Thoroughly inspect the mower and repairany damage before restarting the engine andoperating the mower. Make sure cutter bladesare in good condition and blade nuts aretorqued to 60 ft-lb (81.3 N·m).20. Do not touch the engine or muffler while theengine is running or immediately after stop-ping the engine. These areas may be hotenough to cause serious burns.21. Never remove the radiator pressure capwhen the engine is hot (hot water may sprayand cause burns).22. Do not use ether or any starting fluid to assiststarting the engine in cold weather.23. When leaving the machine unattended, dis-engage the blade clutch (PTO), stop the en-gine, and remove the key.