Bistro Line / PhoenixService ManualPG 19 OF 32M0008�09 DECEMBER 2017REPAIR PROCEDURESCOMMON REPAIR PROCEDURESNOTE: Remove the front panel on the oven to access all components.CHECKING BURNER GAS PRESSURESProper gas pressure settings and an adequate incoming gas supply are critically important for any gas fired Wood Stone oven tooperate correctly� Burner gas pressure measurements should be taken at the outlet port on the Gas Control Valve� Make sure thatthe Throttle Valve is fully open (maximum flame height) when taking the pressure reading� Where it is suspected that the incomingpressure is inadequate, test the incoming pressure (at the inlet port on the Gas Valve) with the oven off and then with the oven onand the Burner running� If the incoming pressure drops significantly with the oven running, and the proper pressures cannot beobtained at the Burner, the gas supply is inadequate� Look for Regulators external to the oven that are set too low, partially closedValves or undersized Piping� The Piping and shutoff Valves supplying the oven must have a minimum O�D� of 3/4" (19mm) - thesame as that of the inlet connection on the oven� Depending on the length of the pipe run it may need to be larger in diameter�Consult a qualified gas Piping installer to deal with any supply Piping issues� The specified pressure for the Burner may be foundon the Equipment Nameplate, located on the back of the Control Box, in the compartment below the oven�REMOVAL AND CLEANING OF RADIANT JETTED BURNERThis procedure may be performed while the oven is hot� We strongly recommend that the technician wear heat protective glovesand safety glasses/goggles when removing the Burner�1. For Burner removal first turn the oven off� Turn off the gas supply to the oven�2. Unplug the MOLEX connector for the Igniter from the Gas Valve�3. Disconnect the Pilot Tube at the Gas Valve�4. Disconnect the Flexible Gas Piping where it attaches below the Burner�5. From beneath the oven, carefully remove the four bolts holding the Burner can in place and lower the Burner out of the well�Caution: Watch out for falling debris while removing the Burner�6. Clean off any debris on the Burner�7. Check that Burner Jets are not blocked, and that the Pilot/Igniter Assembly is not dirty or damaged� If removing Igniter, beaware of the Pilot Orifice, which slips into the Igniter where the Pilot Tube is attached and can fall out if you are not careful�Any Burner Jets that are clogged should be removed from the Burner Manifold to prevent debris entering the Manifold whilecleaning� To remove the Jets, first remove the Flame Retention Spring attached to each Jet by gripping the spring with a pairof pliers and pulling away from the Burner while turning the spring clockwise� Then remove the two brackets that hold theBurner Manifold in place� Remove the Manifold, then remove the individual Jets� Clean out each Jet� Make sure to reinstall sothe hexagonal part of the Jet is closest to the Burner Manifold� Make sure to reinstall the Flame Retention Spring�Note: On BL-4355-LR models built after March 2017, there will be a 7/16" SS Washer on the top of each Burner Jet�Make certain the washer is in place before reinstalling the Burner Manifold (see drawing below)�8. To reinstall Burner follow the removal steps in reverse�9. Check for gas leaks using soap solution with the Burner running�Avoid getting soap solution on Valve or Igniter Wires�BL-4533-LRBURNER MANIFOLD(after March 2017)Burner ManifoldBurner JetWasher