XES Synergix 8825/8830/8850/8855 & X2-TECH System Introduction 18825/8830/8850 SystemComponentsThe Printer is typically supplied with an embedded AccXES Controller. Forthe availability of printers without AccXES Controllers, contact your SalesRepresentative. The XES Synergix 8830 and 8850 Printers have a 3 rollmedia capacity. The XES Synergix 8825 Printer is manufactured in either aone roll or two roll configuration. A second media drawer kit, and a single-sheet bypass kit are optionally available. Both English and Metric mediasizes and media types are supported by your new printer. Media loading isconvenient and easy to accomplish, enabling you to keep your printer on lineand productive. Additionally, a flat output tray, with a 100 D / A1 size Bond or50 E / A0 size stacking capacity, is standard. For more advanced finishingneeds, your printer can be equipped with a programmable Xerox On-lineFolder. The Xerox Stacker 1000 is available for higher print-stackingcapabilities (up to 1,000 mixed size prints/copies). The Printer (withembedded controller) is easy to configure either from its integral ControlPanel or with the Web Printer Manager Tool (Web PMT) accessed throughyour workstation’s web browser.The Controller offers multiple hardware interfaces with simultaneous portactivity, supports multiple data formats with auto data format recognition, andoffers several customer installable options. The Controller maximizes thecapabilities of the printer by driving it at full speed, which improves yourproductivity. Additionally, a number of print drivers and client tools enableyou to easily print from a wide variety of applications and platforms.The XES Synergix 8830 or 8850 Digital Solution combines the XESSynergix 8830 or 8850 Engineering Printer with the Synergix Scan Systemand the Scanner Control Panel mounted on top of the Scanner. The XESSynergix 8825 Digital Solution combines the XES Synergix 8825Engineering Printer with the Synergix Scan System and the Scanner ControlPanel. Engineering documents up to 36 inches (91.44 cm) wide and 100 feet(30.48 meters) long can be digitally scanned in line mode (80 feet will getprinted). Documents can also be scanned to, and retrieved from, electronicfiles stored on the system’s Hard Drive.Using supplied Application Print Drivers, the AccXES Client Tools, andWeb Printer Manager Tool, scanned documents may be previewed,retrieved, printed, and managed from remote desktops. Media usage canalso be monitored by using assigned User and Account Identifications whenscanning or printing documents.An optional PostScript Data Format Interpreter is available for the printer.Effective with Firmware release 7.0, new features include Scan-to-PDF,adjustable Job Priority on Pre and Post-rendered Jobs in queue, andController Support for externally-tracked Accounting of printing, copying, andscanning activities. Note that Accounting and Scan-to-Net are licensed 8825options, but are standard features with the 8830/8850 Digital Solutions.Effective with Firmware Release 7.5, a new Color Enablement feature key isavailable enabling Scanning-to-Net in color in TIFF and JPEG formats. Theprinting of JPEG files is also enabled in Firmware Release 7.5.With proper care and maintenance, your XES Synergix Printer or DigitalSolution will provide you with years of reliable service.