Troubleshooting4834.3 Printing ProblemsIs the IP address set correctly?Double-click the printer icon andcheck the Details tab on theprinter properties window. Is thespool setting option, Spool printjobs so program finishesfaster selected? (WhenWindows 95 is used.)Is "Printer Error" shown on thestatus display of the Printerwindow?Is "No file storage area in server"shown on the computer?The IP address may be changed.Check with your network administratorand specify the correct IP address.Check the currently specified IPaddress with that shown on the PrinterSettings List."1.8 Printing the PrinterSettings List" and3.2 Setting IP address(When Using TCP/IPprotocol) in the SetupGuideClick Spool Settings on the Detailstab and select Spool print jobs soprogram finishes faster from thedisplayed dialog box.Refer to the Network PrintEnvironment User Guide if printingcannot be done via the TCP/IP DirectPrint Utility.7.1 For TCP/IPEnvironment in theNetwork PrintEnvironment User GuideThis message may be displayed if theprint requests are received from morethan one computer, or pritning is beingdone from another protocol.Before you send a print job, check thePrinter window to make sure that no datais being processed, then send your datafor printing.Description Possible Cause SolutionUnable to print when theTCP/IP protocol is usedUnable to print when theTCP/IP Direct PrintUtility is usedUnable to print in theSMB environment