Page 19 - 2 Xerox Document Centre Network Installation & Troubleshooting GuideRightFAX Installation for FTPBefore You StartNOTE: Your Document Centre now has DHCP, LPR, and NetBIOS overthe IP protocol enabled by default. If your DHCP server willprovide host name, IP address, Gateway address, and Subnet Mask,the Document Centre TCP/IP information will be configured oninitial boot.Your Document Centre and your RightFax server must beconnected to a network which has the TCP/IP protocol enabled.Additionally, record TCP/IP information such as Hostname,TCP/IP Address, and Default Gateway for both the RightFax serverand your Document Centre.It is strongly recommended your RightFax server is assigned astatic IP address. If necessary, refer to the Static (Manual)TCP/IP Addressing Quick Install Card contained in this card setto configure your Document Centre in this manner.Dynamic IP Addressing may be used for the RightFax serverprovided the DHCP server has been configured with sufficient leasetime so that the RightFax server normal maintenence and servicedown times will not result in a change in TCP/IP address.An account must be created on the server to which the DocumentCentre will FTP the fax documents that has sufficient rights orpermissions to allow the Document Centre to read files, write files,delete files, and create new directories. Anonymous FTP logins willnot allow these rights. Record the login name, home directory, andpassword of this account for use during this procedure.Proceed to the next section entitled Go to the Document Centreand...