dc02cc0304Document Centre Technical Support Operations Page 9EURO FontThe Euro character is provided in all standard Latin fonts (letter fonts such as Helvetica andTimes) and the Symbol font included with the Adobe PostScript 3 interpreter. Special fontssuch as ZapfDingbats do not contain the Euro symbol. Although the Euro character’s “glyph”is added to the PostScript fonts, standard font encoding (that is, the character set) does notinclude the character.To access the Euro character’s glyph directly, use the “glyphshow” command as shown inthe following example:%!PS-Adobe-3.0/Times-Roman findfont 12 scalefont setfont120 735 moveto(The price of this unit is: ) show /Euro glyphshow (200.00) showshowpageBasic PostScript TemplateThis section illustrates a standard PostScript template used to access general print features,as well as, unique features of the Document Centre products. This template lists eachfeature and the syntax, both PostScript commands and DSC (Document StructuringConventions), required to use these features.Section 1 (Adobe Reference Command)%!PSSection 2 (XRXbegin - Opening Comment Statement, Required)%% XRXbeginSection 3 (OID Commands)%%OID_ATT_JOB_OWNER "John Smith";%%OID_ATT_JOB_TYPE OID_VAL_JOB_TYPE_PRINT;%%OID_ATT_START_SHEET OID_VAL_JOB_SHEET_NONE;%%OID_ATT_JOB_NAME "Readme.txt";%%OID_ATT_PRINT_QUALITY OID_VAL_PRINT_QUALITY_DRAFT;Section 4 (XRXend - Closing statement for Comment Section, Required)%% XRXendSection 5 (Options Such as Selecting Different Fonts, Simplex, Duplex, etc.)<< /PostRenderingEnhance false >> setpagedevice<< /Staple 0 >> setpagedevice<< /Jog 0 >> setpagedevice<< /ManualFeed false >> setpagedevice<< /MediaType (Drilled) >> setpagedevice<< /MediaColor (Ivory) >> setpagedevice<< /DeviceRenderingInfo << /Type 4 /ValuesPerColorComponent 2 >>/HWResolution [1200 1200] >> setpagedevice<< /PageSize [792 1224] /ImagingBBox null >> setpagedeviceNOTE:The print job specifiesthe following items:• Job owner• Job name• 11 x 17 paper size• Drilled• Ivory paper• 1200 x 1200resolution• Staple off• Landscape• Sample set• Draft mode• Offset off• Banner sheet off• Duplex long edge• One copyThe quotations in theJob Name and JobOwner lines arerequired.