N EW FEATURES C USTOMER SOFTWARE R ELEASE D OCUMENT2-14 X EROX FREE F LOW ® MAKEREADYUsing custom ICC profilesNOTE: Xerox does not guarantee that making and using acustom profile will produce any improvement in color accuracy,relative to the default sRGB profile that is supplied with theproduct. This procedure describes the recommended steps anddocuments known issues and caveats that should be observedwhen using custom profiles.If using custom ICC profiles, it is recommended that you:• Obtain suitable software and hardware packages for buildingcustom profiles. These should include an ICC profile buildingsoftware product, and possibly a spectrophotometer formeasuring the true colors on test patterns to be used forgenerating profiles.• Obtain a suitable test pattern(s) for producing an ICC profile.These should have a broad range of color and naturalswatches that is an IT-8 pattern. The test pattern must havebeen produced via the same printing technology for whichyou want to profile the scanner’s response that is on thesame physical printer.• If the test pattern is not accompanied by a table ofmeasurement of the color of each swatch, the swatches needto be measured using the spectrophotometer, and themeasurements should be stored in a file format compatiblewith the ICC profile builder.