C USTOMER S OFTWARE R ELEASE DOCUMENT H INTS AND TIPSXEROX F REEF LOW ® M AKEREADY 3-3FreeFlow Scanner 665Table 3-1 lists Hints and Tips for the FreeFlow Scanner 665.Table 3-1. FreeFlow Scanner 665 Hints and Tips# Feature/Function Hints/Tips1 Hole Fill Regular use of the “Hole Fill” function in the scanner requires daily cleaningof the paper guide on the automatic document handler (ADH). The paperguide is the long, dark gray, plastic strip on the underside of the ADH. It hasa pattern of very thin images and two cutouts for the rollers. The followingsteps should be used to clean this part:1. Apply “Xerox Lens and Mirror Cleaner (XPN 43P81)” to a clean, lintfree, non-abrasive cloth.2. Lift up the ADH.3. Identify the flat, dark gray paper guide on the right-hand underside ofthe ADH. The paper guide is a long, flat piece of ribbed plastic, 5inches from the right-hand side of the ADH. The paper guide isapproximately 13 inches in length and 1 inch wide and pivots in theright/left motion when touched. This part also has two “cutouts” in it withtwo rollers resting in the cutouts.4. Rub the cloth in the right-to-left motion across the paper guide, parallelto the ribs, until the entire paper guide is clean and free of black tonerand white paper dust.CAUTIONBe careful not to dislodge the thin belt near the roller closest to the frontof the scanner.The system may inadvertently white-fill small “blocks” (approximately 3-5mm in size) of a scanned image in areas of the original that are similar tothe pattern on the document feeder paper guide. To eliminate these white-fill blocks, disable the “Hole Fill” option.2 “Preview” feature Changing the “Hole Fill” setting after an image has been previewed throughthe document feeder does not affect the previewed image or the final scanof that image (“Accept”), if the setting is changed.When performing preview scans in the “Black and white (1 bit)” mode, thepreview image may appear dark for certain settings and types of imagesbeing scanned. This is due to scaling of the image for display on themonitor. If this occurs and your resolution setting is above 200 dpi, try un-checking “Fast Preview” in the Options menu and previewing again.Changing the zoom level could also help improve the appearance of thepreview image.3 ScanningphotographsScanning photographs through the document handler is not recommendeddue to the potential for damaging the original, as well as the susceptibility to“streaks” in the resulting scanned image.