802.1X802.1X is an Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standard that definesa method for port-based network access control or authentication. In an 802.1X securednetwork, the press must be authenticated by a central authority, typically a RADIUSserver, before it can access the physical network.You can enable and configure the press to be used in an 802.1X secured network.Before you begin:• Ensure your 802.1X authentication server and authentication switch are availableon the network.• Determine the supported authentication method.• Create a user name and password on your authentication server.• Changing and applying 802.1X settings causes the press to restart. Ensure that thepress can be offline for several minutes.Configuring 802.1X1. In CentreWare Internet Services, click Properties > Security > IEEE 802.1X.2. Next to Enable IEE E 802.1x select Enabled.3. Under Authentication Method, select the method used on your network. Options are:• EAP-MD5• EAP-MS-CHAPv2• PEAP/MS-CHAPv24. Type the Login Name (Device Name) required by your authentication switch andserver.5. Type the Password, then retype to verify.6. Select Enabled next to Certificate Validation if necessary.7. Click Apply to accept the changes or Undo to retain the previous settings.IP FilteringYou can prevent unauthorized network access by only allowing data to be transmittedto and from specific IP addresses and ports.Creating an IP Filter Rule1. In CentreWare Internet Services, click Properties > Security > IP Filtering.2. Under IPv4 Filtering, or IPv6 Filtering select Enabled.3. Click Add under IPv4 Filtering, or IPv6 Filtering.4. Type the Source IP Address. This is the IP address of the computer or device that youwant to allow.5. Type a number for the Source IP Mask that will use this rule.Xerox® Versant™ 2100 Press3-24System Administration GuideUsing CentreWare® Internet Services