Directory5-3) If need be, select the appropriate transmission speed to send your faxes, and confirm yourchoice by pressing the OK key.To associate an FTP address :) Do not enter the e-mail address.) Enter the FTP address of the contact, then validate with OK key (for example: Enter the FTP user name (for example: Durand).) Enter the PASSWORD of the FTP user.) If necessary, enter the file destination directory (when this field is not completed, the filesare stored directly under the root) of the FTP server (for example: server name / Durand).) Define the attachment format (Image or PDF), then validate your choice with the OK key.) A number allocated to your contact will be automatically displayed on the screen. If youdo not want to use this number, it can be modified by entering another number, thenvalidating with OK key.) Select the option WITH the associated key if you want to associate a letter (shortcut key)with your contact. The first letter free is displayed by default. If you want to modify this,scroll through the alphabet by using keys 6 or 5, then validate your choice with the OK key.) Select, if necessary, the appropriate send rate for a fax intended for your contact, thenvalidate your choice with the OK key.CREATING SUBSCRIBERS LISTSA subscriber list is made from the subscriber records already stored.For each list fill in the following lines:• NAME of the list• NUMBER ASSIGNED to the list, this number is automatically assigned by the fax. It allowsquick access to the answering machine.• LIST COMPOSITION, it lists the ID numbers assigned to the subscribers records included inthe list.• LIST NUMBER, a number lets you identify the list filed under (L).A list may include both fax and internet subscribers.The same subscriber may be included in different lists.Note - It is impossible to add one subscriber list to another subscriber list.