Directory5-5A DDING OR DELETING A NUMBER FROM THE LIST13 OK - DIRECTORY / MODIFY) Select the subscriber list (L) by means of the or keys and validate your choicewith OK.) Press OK to display the ENTER ABR. NUM. field, and add or delete the subscriber asshown in the table hereafter:) Confirm the new list by pressing key .CONSULTING A RECORD OR A LIST) Press key .The directory appears in alphabetical order.) Select the subscriber record or subscriber list (L) you wish to consult.M ODIFYING A RECORD OR A LIST13 OK - DIRECTORY / MODIFYThe directory appears in alphabetical order.) Use the or keys to select the subscriber list (L) you wish to modify and press OKto confirm.) Modify the line or lines in the subscriber record or subscriber list and confirm eachmodification with OK.Note - You may confirm your modification by pressing key , but you will exit the menuand may not be able to modify the following lines.To ... Procedureadd) Enter the subscriber ID number you wish to add and confirmwith OK.) Repeat this step for each added subscriber you want to add.delete) Place the keys or , on the number you wish to delete.) Press key C to delete the number assigned to the list.) Repeat these 2 steps for each subscriber you wish to delete from thelist.